Edge Pharma Buffered lidocaine solution

Edge Pharma offers Buffered Lidocaine 1% in 10 mL unit-dose syringes.

Buffered Lidocaine 1%

Storage: room temperature
Syringe Volume=10 mL

See Also:
Buffered 1% Lidocaine with Epinephrine

Literature Review

Lidocaine injection is a local anesthetic that is used to cause loss of feeling for patients having certain medical procedures. “It prevents pain by blocking the signals at the nerve endings in the skin.”(1) Lidocaine is the most commonly used local anesthetic and is employed in most medical specialties.(2) Lidocaine has a short onset time, and is recognized as a valuable medication for the management of both acute and chronic pain.(3)

A study published in a major medical journal examined the effectiveness of lidocaine 1% trigger point injection versus an intravenous injection of butylscopolamine bromide and sulpyrine for the treatment of renal colic (kidney stones).(4) In patients treated with lidocaine 1%, half reported renal colic disappeared completely. The average time to produce 50 percent improvement in symptoms of the remaining patients was nine minutes. The study concluded that trigger point injection of lidocaine 1% is an easy, safe, and effective method for the amelioration of renal colic.(4) “It is significantly superior to the combination of intravenous butylscopolamine and sulpyrine.”(4)

Another common use of lidocaine 1% is for pain relief in the treatment of shoulder dislocation.(3) Shoulder dislocation is the most frequently seen joint dislocation in the emergency department.(5) While providers use different techniques for reduction — the process of returning the shoulder to its normal position — patients experience pain, and the pain can cause muscle spasms that make reduction more difficult.(5) “Intra-articular injection of lidocaine has demonstrated efficacy in reduction of pain and facilitation of shoulder reduction compared with analgesia and sedation. Intra-articular lidocaine may also reduce time to successful reduction of shoulder dislocations.”(5)

Lidocaine 1% is also used prior to insertion of an IV line. A study of 148 patients compared the efficacy of buffered lidocaine 1% with intradermal bacteriostatic normal saline in providing local anesthesia prior to IV catheterization.(6) All of the subjects in the study were admitted for same-day surgery. The pain perception was measured with a verbal numeric rating scale between 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain imaginable). “Intradermal buffered lidocaine was demonstrated to be significantly superior to intradermal bacteriostatic normal saline in reducing the pain of IV catheterization.”(6)

(1) Mayo Clinic, Lidocaine (Injection Route), https://www.mayoclinic.org/
(2) Klaus, D., Torp, E., National Center for Biotechnology Information, Lidocaine Toxicity, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
(3) Golzari, S. MD, Soleimanpour, H.MD, et. al, , Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Lidocaine and Pain Management in the Emergency Department: A Review, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/
(4) Iguchi, M. MD, Katoh, Y. MD, International Journal of Urology, Randomized Trial of Trigger Point Injection for Renal Colic, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
(5) Aronson, P. MD, Mistry, R. MD, Pediatric Emergency Care, Intra-articular Lidocaine for Reduction of Shoulder Dislocation,
(6) Burke, S. RN, Vercler, S. RN, et. al., American Journal of Nursing, Local Anesthesia Before IV Catherization,

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