Ophthalmic Cefuroxime

Edge Pharma offers cefuroxime antibiotic single-dose injections for use by hospitals and surgery centers.

Cefuroxime Prophylactic Antimicrobial Injection

Concentration=10 mg/mL
Syringe Volume=0.3 mL (Unit dose)


According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology:

“The U.S. study found that an intracameral injection of cefuroxime at the end of surgery was effective at preventing endophthalmitis, as it was in the European trial. When the California team analyzed more than 16,000 cases of cataract surgery, they found that the rate of endophthalmitis dropped 22-fold when intracameral antibiotics were used.”

Intracameral Antibiotics: What the Evidence Shows, Linda Roach, Contributing Writer. Interviewing David F. Chang, MD, Randy J. Epstein, MD, and Neal H. Shorstein, MD,


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We are currently licensed to sell to all US states except Alabama and Virginia. Please fill the Form below to create an account. Medical, DEA, or hospital pharmacy licenses will be required to order cefuroxime antimicrobial injections.

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