dibutyl squaric acid topical solution application

Dibutyl Squaric Acid Topical Solution (Squaric acid dibutyl ester) is a treatment commonly used to remove warts in children. Dermatologists, Pediatricians, and other qualified practitioners can benefit from choosing an FDA-Registered Outsourcing Facility like Edge because we are able to dispense for office use.

Dibutyl Squaric Acid Topical Solution (PF)

  • 1% and 2% Dibutyl Squaric Acid Topical Solution available
  • 10mL bottle
  • Refrigerated storage


dibutyl squaric acid 1 and 2 percent

See Also:

Cantharidin Topical Solution

Literature Review

Cutaneous warts are common skin lesions that are caused by human papillomavirus. Recurring or recalcitrant warts generally affect children and people who are immunocompromised.(1) “Although several potential treatment options exist for warts, there is no single treatment that ensures a complete response and lack of recurrence.”(1)

Treatments for warts include:

  • Cantharidin
  • Cryotherapy
  • Electrosurgery and curettage
  • Excision
  • Laser treatment
  • Chemical peels
  • Bleomycin
  • Immunotherapy(2)

Treatment of recurrent warts in children is often challenging as destructive options and surgery can be frightening and painful. “Contact immunotherapy offers a less painful approach than destructive measures.”(3)

“Squaric acid (SADBE) is an immunotherapy used to treat common warts.”4 The treatment activates the immune system to combat the warts.(4)

A study enrolled 188 patients, ages two to 16, who had warts for an average of 17 months. Patients needed to satisfy two of the following criteria: single or multiple sites with several warts, warts resistant to repeated medical or surgical treatments, recurrent multiple warts, and patient or parent refusal to undergo destructive or surgical treatment.(5)

A total of 148 patients completed the therapy. “The treatment consisted of twice weekly applications of serial dilutions of SADBE, 0.03—3 percent for no more than 10 weeks.”5 The study found complete resolution occurring in 83 percent of patients. There were no serious or unexpected side effects reported.(5)

The study concluded: “Our study substantiates the efficacy of SADBE in the treatment of recurrent/recalcitrant warts in children because of the ability to treat multiple lesions at the same, the high level of tolerability with absence of major side effects, the high clinical response rate with no recurrences or major side effects, and the high clinical response rate, with no recurrences in all of our patients who completed 24-month follow-up.”(5)

(1) Sefcik, R., Burkhart, C., The Open Dermatology Journal, Wart Immunotherapies: A Short Review https://benthamopen.com/

(2) American Academy of Dermatology, online article, Warts: Diagnosis and Treatment https://www.aad.org/

(3) Pandy, S. MD, Wilmer E. MD, Morrell, D. MD, Pediatric Dermatology, Examining the Efficacy and Safety of Squaric Acid Therapy for Treatment of Recalcitrant Warts in Children https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

(4) The Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Permanente, Protocol: Squaric Acid Dibutylester (SABDE) Home Immunotherapy of Common Warts https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org

(5) Micali, G., et al, Pediatric Dermatology, Use of Squaric Acid Dibutylester (SADBE) for Cutaneous Warts in Children https://www.researchgate.net/

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